This product is discontinued

Brand Kongskilde Kongskilde Combiseed H 3000


Demeter Combiseed is available in a pull type drill with large wheels positioned to the sides of the machine. Through this positioning the weight of the hopper is carried to a higher extent by the rear wheels leaving less lift requirement to the tractor. It is most advantageous when using an old tractor with low lift requirement, or when the drill is connected behind a compactharrow or a powerharrow.


  • Manuals
  • Spare parts catalogs

Technical specifications

H3000 H4000
Fertiliser hopper capacity 1320.0 l 1760.0 l
Filling height (rear) 145 cm 145 cm
Number of fertiliser coulters 12 16
Number of seed coulters 24 32
Power demand, hp 60-80 70-90
Seed hopper capacity 855.0 l 1140.0 l
Transport width 416 cm 516 cm
Weight 1500 kg 1740 kg
Working width 300 cm 400 cm