Sales of Kongskilde's large JF complete diet mixers of up to 10 meters in overall length and with three augers, are increasing. The length of these wagons with up to 20 tons of feed may result in the tractor losing traction when "lifted" by the feed mixer because of ground level differences. To overcome this problem, Kongskilde is introducing an hydraulically adjustable drawbar for feed mixers. This feature offers four distinct advantages.
The hydraulic adjustable drawbar allows the feed mixer to be adjusted in a horizontal position, which is the optimal position during filling and mixing. It prevents the feed from moving to one end and possibly spilling over the edge.
There can be considerable level differences when a tractor and feed mixer pass over a ramp on the way into a building. The hydraulic drawbar allows adjustment of the drawbar angle so that the weight is distributed evenly on the two or three axles of the wagon. This prevents "negative" weight on the drawbar and improves traction and braking performance on the rear tractor wheels. The adjustment is done automatically by built-in pressure accumulators.
In slippery conditions such as icy roads or wet conditions in the field the tractor may need to have better grip. This can be achieved by adjusting the drawbar for more “down-force” on the tractor.
Built-in pressure accumulators add a spring-loaded function to the diet mixer mounted drawbar. This relieves the tractor and feed mixer because sway can be absorbed during road transport. This function is superb when moving a lot of feed on the road.
The concept is based on two hydraulic cylinders for adjusting the drawbar, a number of pressure accumulators, and a high-pressure gauge, which is located at eye level just behind the cab. The pressure gauge is used for setting the required hydraulic pressure and thus the degree of weight transfer to the drawbar.
With the new adjustable drawbar for JF complete diet mixers, access ramps into a building can be passed safely, and suspension relieves the diet mixer during transport.