Modelo 2400


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Brand Kongskilde picture 2400

Modelo 2400

The Model 2400 Sidedress Applicator is the smaller version of sidedress applicators by Kongskilde. It’s range is 5 coulters (15’) to 13 coulters (32-1/2’) based on 30” centers. The 2400 can also be set up on 20”, 22”, 27” 36”, 38” & 40” row spacing.

The 2400 has a patented scissor lift system. This lift system allows for constant downpressure on the bar as it it is pulled Pump Drive with single or double piston pump through the field.

The 2400 Sidedress Applicator is available with three different tank sizes and four different tire/wheel options. The liquid fertilizer is either injected into the soil by way of an injection or knife system.

Especificaciones técnicas

Model 2400 - Liquid - 1000 Gallon Model 2400 - Liquid - 1600 Gallon 2400 - Liquid - 750 Gallon
Plegable 15' Rigid - and other sizes 15' Rigid - Other Sizes Yes Yes
Anchura de chasis 7'' x 7'' 7'' x 7'' 7x7
Ancho de trabajo min. 15' 15' 15'
Ancho de trabajo máx. 32-1/2' 32-1/2' 27-1/2'
Número mínimo de hileras - - -
Número máximo de hileras Varies with row spacing Varies with row spacing Varies with row spacing
Distancia entre las filas Varies: 20'', 22'', 27'', 30'' (standard row width), 36'', 38'', & 40'' Varies: 20'', 22'', 27'', 30'' (standard row width), 36'', 38'', & 40'' Varies: 20'', 22'', 27'', 30'' (standard row width), 36'', 38'', & 40''
Capacidad de tolva 1000 Gallon 1600 Gallon 750 Gallon
Arrastrado Yes Yes Yes
Altura de transport 15' - N/A, 22-1/2' - 10', 27-1/2' - 12' 6", 32-1/2' - 14' 8" 15' - N/A, 22-1/2' - 10', 27-1/2' - 12' 6'', 32-1/2' - 14' 8'' 15' - N/A, 22-1/2' - 10', 27-1/2' - 12' 6"
Ancho de transporte 15' - 13' 0'', 22-1/2' - 16' 6'', 27-1/2' 16' 6'', 32-1/2' - 16' 6'' 15' - 13' 0'', 22-1/2' - 16' 6'', 27-1/2' 16' 6'', 32-1/2' - 16' 6'' 15' - 13' 0'', 22-1/2' - 16' 6'', 27-1/2' 16' 6''
Neumáticos estándar 16.5 x 16.1, 13.6 x 38, 18.4 x 26 14.9R x 46 16.5 x 16.1